Loycals - The MRG Group

Loycals: An online contesting platform to grow our network.

Loycals gives you access to rewards and experiences including concert tickets, events, exclusive offers, prizes and more. Enter a contest and share with friends for more entries!
What makes Loycals different? Loycals gamifies contesting by rewarding entrants for sharing on their social networks, increasing organic entrants and lowering the Cost Per Acquisition for Contest Sponsors.
The result? We typically see a ~2 – 3X efficiency when compared to similar campaigns executed through Facebook.

Loycals Site

The User Journey

The user accesses the contest via socials or the Loycals website.
The user signs up either by e-mail or preferred social network.
If entered through a social network, Loycals automatically propagates the required fields (email, name, date of birth, gender, phone number, city and state or province).
Once entered, Loycals generates a profile to track the number of entries and creates a unique shareable link for distribution to their social ecosystem.
Loycals rewards entrants with additional entries for users they brought to our platform and organically amplifies the messaging of campaigns, which reduces the Cost Per Acquisition.

The Sponsor Journey & Analytics

Sponsors create a custom branded or skinned page for their campaign.
This page breaks down the contest details, rules and prizing.
Sponsors have access to a private dashboard to track entrants by date of entry, age, location and gender. This enables sponsors to optimize ad spends for conversions in real-time.
At the end of the campaign, the Loycals team will export a custom entrants to be shared with the Contest Sponsor and Co-Sponsors (if applicable).


The MRG Group

26 Duncan St
Toronto ON
M5V 2B9


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© 2022 MRG GROUP
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